planning pregnancy

Planning Pregnancy

fertility diet

Fertility Diet

improving natural fetility

Improving Natural Fertility

Meet Dr Kokum Jayasinghe – A Doctor who works with heart

A leading specialist in fertility & gynaecological care that genuinely supports you throughout your pregnancy journey.

With a focus on non-invasive and natural methods to increase the chances of fertility and improved reproductive health, I provide treatments that are tailored and personalised for you – aligned with what you’re comfortable with, your future goals and most importantly, a doctor who responds to all your potential concerns and worries.

Keep reading to learn more about how to better prepare for your pregnancy journey naturally; including advice on planning for pregnancy, the fertility diet, and methods in improving natural fertility.

My medical knowlege is only half the story

As a fertility specialist who has helped hundreds of families and individuals start and grow their families – My personal lived experiences of my own fertility challenges bring a new light to the fertility treatments I provide for my patients. I have walked in your shoes. I know myself what this journey means..

Even though at the time it was extremely burdensome dealing with infertility and the emotions that come with it, I believe that my past experiences bring a new light to the fertility treatments I provide for my patients.

With a deeper understanding of your concerns, I not only make sure that you’re given the best level of patient care but ensure you feel emotionally supported and have help available whenever you’re in need.

Why choose Dr Kokum Jayasinghe?

With every one of your visits at my clinic and all throughout your experiences working with me as your fertility specialist, you can always expect the following:

My first job is to listen

Everyone who walks through my door becomes a friend. I help you remain hopeful while I apply all my years of medical knowledge to finding the right solution for you. When you come and see me, I want to know everything about you to make sure we follow the right path together. Then I can match my medical knowledge to your unique experience.

I focus on remedies to enhance natural conception wherever possible

Many of my patients look for simple or surgical remedies to enhance their chances of natural conception – and the great news is, there are many cases where this is possible and can be achieved for a successful pregnancy. With all my treatments, I place a large focus on improving the chances of natural conception first, then assisted technologies thereafter.

I focus on remedies to enhance natural conception wherever possible

Many of my patients look for simple or surgical remedies to enhance their chances of natural conception – and the great news is, there are many cases where this is possible and can be achieved for a successful pregnancy. With all my treatments, I place a large focus on improving the chances of natural conception first, then assisted technologies thereafter.

Inclusive for patients of all backgrounds & situations

Regardless of whether you’re a single woman looking to freeze her eggs, in a couple experiencing male and/or female factor infertility, in a same-sex relationship looking to grow a family, or any other unique situation, my team and I are 100% inclusive and welcoming, striving to achieve the best possible outcomes for your circumstances.

Making babies is about making bonds

Throughout your entire treatment experience, I’ll always be available to meet face-to-face and provide the high level of personalised care that you deserve – tailored specifically for your needs and unique situation. Whatever your reasons may be for seeking fertility treatment, you’ll be supported by myself and my leading team of fertility specialists throughout your entire journey.

Making babies is about making bonds

Throughout your entire treatment experience, I’ll always be available to meet face-to-face and provide the high level of personalised care that you deserve – tailored specifically for your needs and unique situation. Whatever your reasons may be for seeking fertility treatment, you’ll be supported by myself and my leading team of fertility specialists throughout your entire journey.

Compassionate, empathetic & supportive service

By providing treatment built around compassion, empathy, and well-rounded support, I make sure that you feel valued as more than just a patient. I always take the time to hear your story and personally connect with you – even beyond your infertility or gynaecological issues. I’m here not just as your fertility specialist or gynaecologist, but someone who is here to help you feel happier, healthier, and experience a better quality of life – even after treatment and beyond.

Patient Resources

Your First Visit

We’ll advise what you need to bring


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